Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

30 min Yoga Nidra for



You Deserve Rest! This 30 minute yoga nidra sleep meditation is for deep rest. Yoga nidra powerfully heals and restores your body on a physical level giving you an opportunity for deep rest in a reclined meditation.  This yoga nidra is designed to give all parts of your body deep rest. All the organs and systems of your body from your ventral vagus nervous system, your heart, your lungs, your kidneys, your liver, and your brain rest and rebuild.  It is a deep rest meditation that will guide you for 30 minutes into a yoga nidra healing experience. Allow Melissa West to guide you on this healing yoga nidra journey into deep restorative sleep and into a deep rest frequency.  Yoga Nidra meditation is easy because it takes your brain into the same frequency when you are in deep sleep even though you are awake allowing for deep rest. Your body will naturally begin its process of rejuvenation and healing. Your vital, rested, and restored body is the first step towards releasing stress and finding inner peace. This