The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

The Health-Wealth Connection: Why Billionaires Prioritize Wellness and Daily Optimization for Peak Performance | Vishen Lakhiani



Ever wondered why health is the true wealth of billionaires? In this eye-opening episode, Vishen Lakhiani explores the importance of prioritizing health for wealth. No, it's not just about crunching numbers or hitting the gym for hours – it's about the profound connection between the two and the transformative power of small, daily changes. Discover stories of successful billionaires willing to trade vast fortunes for good health, revealing a perspective that might just reshape the way you view success. Vishen shares insights into his own daily routine, a mere 90 minutes a day, packed with practices like meditation, intermittent fasting, and exercise. These aren't just habits; they're the building blocks to enhanced cognitive abilities, heightened energy, emotional balance, and improved sleep. Join Vishen as he unpacks practical strategies for weaving these habits into your life. From morning rituals to the importance of quality sleep, this episode offers a blueprint for optimizing your health and, in turn,