The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Meet Dr. Sara Al Madani: From Abusive Relationships to Winning Over 140 Awards



Today’s guest is Sara Al Madani, a single mother, TV personality, and serial entrepreneur. Sara has overcome great obstacles of abuse and betrayal, while never losing her connection to kindness. Her story sets a new standard of what is possible for single mothers and entrepreneurs. She is proof that your circumstances do not determine your outcome.  Sara shares how she has crafted an intentional life that supports her child, her business, and her mental health. You do not need to limit yourself to cultural norms. Society's playbook is simply the expectations of the dead, and Sara leads by example, living on her own terms without needing anyone's approval.  In this episode, we explore how to heal from trauma through radical responsibility. Sara conquered her own trauma by accepting responsibility for the standard of treatment she set for herself. She shares her philosophy that the mind is like tofu; it becomes whatever you marinate it in. Through honest evaluation of your actions, an inventory of your influenc