Whiskey Neat With Kristopher Hart

139: Ep. 139 William H. Macy: The Open Minded Bon Vivant



Just in time for Christmas! William H Macy is one of the most grounded, open minded fathers I have ever met. He loves a good glass of Woody Creek Whiskey and has one of the most healthiest outlooks on life. I was honored to have the opportunity to sit down with him and to talk Whiskey over a few glasses of... You Guessed it, WHISKEY! We talk about Fatherhood, His Career, Shameless and of course we have to mention Fargo. A good time was had by all. Whiskey Neat is a Radio show on iTunes and ESPN 97.5 FM in Houston and is brought to you every week by the following sponsors. Check out our shows merch at www.WhiskeyMerch.com Whiskey Neat is supported by the Inspired Spirits at Glass Rev Imports and Waterford Irish Whiskey. Mark Reynier believes some of the world’s greatest barley is grown in Ireland, which 'I guess all that rain has to have some benefits’. Anyway, Mark’s Waterford Distillery has created Single Farm Origin, Irish Single Malt Whiskies - expressions of precision and purity, showcasing barle