Simple Pin Podcast: Simple Ways To Boost Your Business Using Pinterest

Pinterest Q4 Investor Report



Pinterest released their 2023 Q4 earnings report and it’s good news. Today I’ll break down the nitty gritty of what you need to know and not know for your marketing. And why this all means good news for the strength and longevity of the platform. The Content Entrepreneur Research is out: Books are among the top 3 most profitable and most utilized tactics to monetize content. Having a book can help you land the speaking gig of your dreams,  spark a new funnel of prospective clients,  or take what you already have and create a digital product. But honestly, the book process can be daunting. At a conference last year I came across Lulu. I had no idea who they were and struck up a conversation with one of their team members. They had examples of how content creators had taken their expertise and created books, journals, planners, and more. I instantly knew we had to turn our Simple Pin Planner into a physical copy. Whether you already have content prepared or you’re starting from scratch, either way, getting your