California Real Estate Radio

Diets don't work, here is what does. How about putting the fork and stepping away from the table for a few days?



Honor Your Hunger: Ditch the Diet, Listen to Your BodyConnor: Hey there, friends, Connor with Honor here, and today we're diving into a topic that's been swirling around for decades: weight loss and diets.We've all seen them – the flashy promises, the before-and-after pictures, the seemingly effortless transformations. But here's the truth bomb: diets, in general, just don't work.Studies show a staggering 95% of dieters regain the weight they lose, and often end up heavier than before. So, what's the alternative?Ditch the Diet, Embrace the PauseInstead of jumping on the next fad diet bandwagon, let's explore a different approach: intuitive eating. This isn't about deprivation, it's about listening to your body and responding to its hunger cues.Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "Yeah, right, I'll just eat everything in sight," hear me out. This doesn't mean uncontrolled indulgence. It's about honoring your hunger, recognizing when yo