Bulletproof Radio

Akashic Records 101: The Simple Spiritual Practice You Haven’t Heard of…Yet – Laura Coe : 1139



Today we’re talking about something a little different—the “weird,” esoteric, metaphysical stuff. I’m joined by Laura Coe, who was a successful healthcare tech entrepreneur before selling her company and returning to her passion for philosophy. She is now an author, certified life coach, and Akashic Records reader. Never heard of the Akashic Records? Laura explains exactly what they are, and how they can help you understand yourself on a deeper level to find more joy, peace, and prosperity in your life. We explore the big questions… Who can access the Records? How do you know if they’re even real? Then, we get into the nitty gritty… How do you learn to read them? What can you ask and not ask? Can they help you sell your house or make more money? Laura and I also talk about how to tap into your intuition as an entrepreneur, the stigmas against spirituality, and why more of us than we think probably have psychic gifts. If you’re skeptical of this stuff, I’m going to ask you to suspend your disbel