Religious Faith And The Public Square

Gospel of Matthew



Matthew's Gospel makes the point that ethics is NOT a matter of mere conformity to a legal code, but a way of life that conforms to God's will as revealed by Jesus. It is not confined to an individual's behavior: it involves the fulfillment of God's purposes in the Kingdom of God at the end of time. Thus, there is a corporate dimension as well. The whole community is responsible for the welfare of the little ones. Works of kindness are not to be done for reward, bit solely on the basis of human need. Still, we cannot wait until Judgment Day to settle matters of good & evil. There must be some system of adjudicating disputes and some structure of authority. His famous depiction for Peter's confession of Jesus' true identity as the Messiah emphasizes Peter's role as regulating the inner life of the community rather than administrator. From this seed sprouts the idea of Magisterium[from the Latin word 'magister' = 'Teacher'], or the teaching office of the church.