Religious Faith And The Public Square

Politics and Religion in the USA



There can be little argument that religion does not play a significant role in the political arena in the U.S. today. Indeed, there seems to be a movement afoot to marginalize if not eliminate any religious input into the issues that preoccupy us currently. One case in point is the attempt to force religious institutions to obey dictates by the federal government such as the Health and Human services Dept. mandate on insurance policies. The Little Sisters of the Poor [who minister to the indigent poor] were told they had to include birth control and abortions in the insurance coverage of their employees despite the teaching of the Catholic Church. The issue has been resolved for the moment, but another change in administrations could change all that. How did we get to this point? I'll be offering at least one ingredient by examining the theological crisis in the American Civil War. I hope you will find it instructive.