Religious Faith And The Public Square

Relativism and Truth



A fair number of Americans today subscribe to the loose collection of ideas called Relativism. I deal with its tenets and try to show how it is unworkable both in theory and practice. Its basic tenet is that there is no moral Truth: What's good for the goose may or may not be good for the gander. To each his own truth. The focus is on doing your own thing so long as you do no harm to another person. The first problem with this is Who determines what harm is? There are a host of unforeseen consequences to any act. But the basic problem is that it considers acts isolated from loving relationships. It's all about what I consider good for me. It glorifies selfishness. It is popular because it can be used to justify what I want to do. The end result is an enslavement to the self. Thus it can be used to mask my behavior versus conventional morality.