Religious Faith And The Public Square

Introduction to host and Value of Human Life



I thought I would introduce myself to the listeners & use that as a way of outlining some of the life lessons I've learned that most people can identify with. Then I would address a principal problem at the heart of many controversies today, namely The value of human life. It is crystal clear that many in our society today place little value on it. This is not something applicable to the big topics like abortion & euthanasia alone, for with the model of ISIS we also have the mass shootings that seem to be commonplace. Not even the persons perpetrating such outrages place any value on their own life. They seem to think the only way they can draw attention to themselves is to kill as many innocent persons as they can in the knowledge that they themselves will be a casualty. I will outline the Christian perspective on this problem & show why human life has a special value in the scheme of things. I would end with a few words about the guest coming on next week's show.