Sound Coalitions By Christopher Foor

SOUND COALITIONS / Episode 39: Guest Mix featuring DANYB (Danilo Braca)



Eclectic, glamorous sounds galore, DANYB aka Danilo Braca knows beautiful music! Have you heard Danilo at NYC Standard's Le Bain nightclub? He's a regular there where he spins his signature sound: eclectic genres from around the world connected by the quality of their productions and his unique mixing. Music has always been a major part of Danilo’s life: his father was an avid record collector and a hifi enthusiast, an obvious influence on Danilo’s career path choice. He started DJing at parties in Italy in 1986 at the age of 13, and later worked as a sound engineer in music studios in Rome. 2012 Brought Danilo to NYC, where he founded The Sound of New York City, a web radio dedicated to the music from his adopted home, and a music production studio filled with vintage gear from his father’s collection. Since moving to the US, Danilo built a strong reputation as club DJ, known for his relentless energy, technical expertise and deeply eclectic music selection. It ranges from African rarities to Italo disco,