Crazy Blessed With Hannah Keeley

384 | Phil Cooke | Stop Waiting, Show Up



In this episode, Hannah Keeley and Phil Cooke discuss the importance of taking action, showing up, and serving with excellence in whatever capacity you're in. Hannah introduces Phil Cooke as someone with a passion for using media to share the gospel message and making a difference in the world. Discovering Passion and Calling Phil shares how he discovered his passion for media production and storytelling from a young age, leading him to pursue it as a career. Hannah emphasizes the importance of recognizing one's calling and taking steps to fulfill it, even if it means starting small. Taking Action and Showing Up Phil talks about the value of taking action and not waiting for opportunities to come but creating them by showing up and doing the work. Hannah shares personal experiences of starting small and gradually building momentum by consistently showing up and serving with excellence. Humility and Excellence Both speakers emphasize the role of humility in serving others and the importance of mai