The Mindvalley Podcast With Vishen Lakhiani

Maria Conceicao: From Stewardess to Record-Breaker on a Mission to Help Children in Poverty



This episode unveils an extraordinary tale of resilience, determination, and compassion. We are immensely proud to welcome back our special guest, Maria Conceicao, a former Emirates stewardess turned record-breaking athlete, who shares a narrative fueled by a mission to alleviate the plight of children in poverty. Uncover the profound impact of Maria's 10 Guinness World Records on helping countless children in poverty and inspiring others. Her journey, from conquering Everest to swimming the English Channel, epitomizes the strength of human perseverance, proving that one person can indeed change the world. Maria's story transcends mere record-breaking feats; it's a testament to channeling achievements into meaningful impact such as funding the education of hundreds of underprivileged children and transforming their lives. From overcoming challenges to celebrating triumphs, her journey will leave you inspired and in awe of the human spirit's resilience. For a potent dose of inspiration and a reminder of unw