
Releasing Anxiety, COVID Round 2, #300daysofdiscipline Update, Leading By Example | #209



In this episode, Recovery Ray does a check-in on his health and wellness journey over the past month and shares an update on the #300daysofdiscipline challenge. Ray starts by leading a mindful breathing and gratitude meditation. He reflects on how mindfulness helps him release feelings of anxiety and be more present. He then gives an update on his health since his last check-in. After getting a clean biopsy in January, Ray got COVID in early February which set back his progress. He still kept up with most of his goals during that time but realized the importance of rest, not just when sick but proactively resting every day. Looking at his WHOOP data from February, Ray saw his sleep performance drop by 3% which wasn’t encouraging. His strain and activities were consistent but his recovery dropped from 68% to 61%. Though these results were not in alignment with his goal of averaging a 90% sleep performance for 2024, he shares his plans to use this as a learning experience to get back on track. Ray then relists