

Have you ever had a mentor? How about a mentee? As a student, recent grad or anyone, really, it can be feel daunting to find someone in your field of interest to take an interest in you…Likewise, as a mentor, it can be hard to find someone with the passion, work ethic and heart to take your lessons and use them to build something great. Today’s guest is my mentee and podcast AP/editor. From this episode, you’ll learn how our Mentor/mentee relationship came to be and how you can find and cultivate one of your own, too!In the month of April, Unleash Inner Creative is collaborating with Michigan State University’s (My Alma Mater's) student-run radio station, Impact 89FM. Each week this month, you’ll hear from a remarkable MSU student or alumni who is doing great, creative work out in the world and/or on campus. These episodes will air on both the Impact radio station, 89FM, as well as on the usual Unleash Your Inner Creative podcast feed.From this conversation you’ll learn:The value of mentor-mentee relationship