Food Bytes

Chris Lewis



As the NRL season heats up, Melbourne Storm’s Chris Lewis joins us on the Food Bytes podcast this week. With a family background in Wagyu beef farming, Chris knows his stuff when it comes to a good steak. We chat to him about food, footy life and the serious coffee culture among players. Plus Chris shares a beautiful memory of his parents sharing in his debut NRL game during Covid lockdowns. And yes, it’s a bit of a bun fight in the Food Poll this week, with fruit hot cross buns up against chocolate. Presented by Sarah Patterson & Kevin Hillier Broadcast each Sunday on the ACE Radio Network - Catch us also on: The Buzzz - Melbourne's Home of Classic Hits - Radio 2DD - Easy Listening - On Line - Follow us on Facebook... Twitter & Instagram - @sarahfoodbytes Post-production by Chris Gates  for Howdy Partners Media | © 2024See