The Todd Herman Show

John Macarthur Needs to Read Harry Potter -- well, Harry’s Inventor- Civil-Disobedience Ep-1519



John Macarthur is a super influential pastor. He has earned that position and I greatly respect him. He refused to shut his church down during the Covid psyop, but he said something about civil disobedience that blew my mind. With all due respect to Pastor Macarthur, I disagree with his statement that we as Christians cannot be involved in civil disobedience. He should probably read Harry Potter, not the book, but the Author, JK Rowling. In Scotland, it is now illegal to say that women do not have penisess. Although Rowling is not a Christian, she is aware of the lie of transgenderism and is using social media to bring it to light. John Macarthur is wrong because we live in a time where the government is demanding adherence to many things that are directly against the Word of God. What does God’s Word say? Exodus 20:1-31 And God spoke all these words:2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.3 “You shall have no other gods before a me.Daniel 1:8-16 8 But Daniel resolv