Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Leaders Must Get in Position to be in Position – A conversation with Ken Larson, owner of Champion Performance Systems, inspiring high performers to break new levels



      Ken Larson               Leaders Must Get in Position to be in Position Are you in position to be in a position for success? As a leader, you have the ability to see the big picture and to think strategically. Often that type of thinking doesn’t lend itself to easily being able to see the first step toward getting to that picture. Maybe you need to hire a new COO. Contacting a head-hunter and looking for a replacement probably isn’t your best first step. Being able to achieve an end result requires taking a step back to review what is necessary to make it happen. For many of you, that will involve painstaking, detailed thinking. If you need the team to be in a position to achieve success, be sure to get them in the position they need to be in first. Stop jumping around. Get in position to be in position, and you’ll be the leader everyone consults when success is the end goal.   You can learn more about Ken Larson by visiting his website and going to is profile on LinkedIn.     Click her