Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Special Edition: How Digestion Determines Your Weight Loss



Weight loss doesn't have to be elusive. Nor does it require fad diets, "fat burners" or impossible-to-maintain workout routines. Because the single most important factor in reaching (and sustaining), your ideal weight comes down to your digestion. In this segment, Tony and I help you understand how digestion affects your metabolism, bloating, energy levels and more. This includes NEW information and research around digestion not yet discussed in any of Kimberly's books or past programs. Be sure to listen to the end for a very special announcement! [BULLETS] Tony and I shares our personal experience from learning how to get her body to work efficiently and great digestion... We discuss how our body's are all different and the need to be aware of a healthy gut for better digestion... How our entire body is compromised when our gut bacteria is compromised... What helps with gut health... We talk about which foods have fiber and how this matters to our guts... Why fiber is food for a lot of friendly bacteria and