Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How Do You Avoid Feeling Dehydrated?



I am so excited because it's time for this week's Q&A segment on "Beauty Inside Out" with Kimberly Snyder. This week, I answer four trending questions from the Beauty Detox Community. This week's most popular question was: How do you avoid feeling dehydrated? Have you been asking yourself this very same question? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out! Remember you can submit your questions at [Questions Answered] Danielle - Edmonton, Canada My husband eats hot dogs for breakfast every morning, I have been trying to switch him to something else. He says hot dogs are the only thing that makes him full all morning. Can you give me filling breakfast alternatives that aren't oatmeal? Lori Yucca Valley, CA My question is regarding something I've heard referred to as "skinny fat.", Is it true and how can I make sure I avoid having it! Megan - Kansas Do you have any information or tips on how to de