Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Seven Life Lessons Learned With Mike Silvio & The Conspiracy Against Coconut Oil



Is the AHA's witch hunt against coconut oil valid? Does it really pose a danger to your heart? Tony and I dive deeper into the claims of coconut oil not being healthy for your heart, potentially increasing cholesterol, and other risk factors. Learn whether you should continue to view coconut oil as a healthy fat to include in your daily diet and if there are any precautions you should take! Next, I have my very special guest Mike Silvio who is a speaker, writer, automotive executive, avid runner, and adventurer. Mike shares what prompted him to get into running in marathons around the world and what his inspirations was. We talk about the "Seven Life Lessons Learned While Running Seven Continents", and some of the life lessons he experienced while on his journey. Listen in, as Mike shares how he turned his life around with healthy food choices, listening to his body, and self-care. [BULLETS] Tony and I discuss the conspiracy against coconut oil and if it should be included in your beauty detox lifestyle... W