Podcast Talent Coach

Interview Secrets and Other Questions – PTC 387



On this episode, I have a handful of questions to answer from podcasters. How many episodes should I release to start? My guests won't share their interview episode. How do I determine who is listening? And more. LET'S TALK If you have been struggling to land clients with your show, let's talk. I would love to give you a call with me as my gift to develop your podcast strategy. We will define where you are today, what you would like to accomplish and how you can get there this year. If you're tired of trying all the "get rich quick" magic formulas of the gurus that don't work, let me show you proven strategies that have worked for me over decades of radio and 10 years coaching podcasters. Apply for your call at www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/apply. This isn't empty theory. It also isn't some high pressure sales call. You and I will create a plan that will help you reach your goals. Then, if we like each other, I can show you some options to help you accelerate your success if you'd like. Let's get something sched