Podcast Talent Coach

Turn Listeners Into Coaching Clients – PTC 386



Clients tell me they struggle creating a strong call-to-action and getting listeners to sign up for a call. Connecting your content to becoming a client can be a challenge. Today, I want to show you how to turn your listeners into coaching clients. Rather than trying to sells ads and sponsors for your podcast, sell your stuff. Your podcast drives your business by growing relationships and authority, not ads and sponsors. This is what we will cover today. You may want to take some notes. LET'S TALK If you have been struggling to land clients with your show, let's talk. I would love to give you a call with me as my gift to develop your podcast strategy. We will define where you are today, what you would like to accomplish and how you can get there this year. If you're tired of trying all the "get rich quick" magic formulas of the gurus that don't work, let me show you proven strategies that have worked for me over decades of radio and 10 years coaching podcasters. Apply for your call at www.PodcastTalentCoach.c