Podcast Talent Coach

Storytelling Transform Your Podcast



Storytelling Transform Your Podcast   Have you noticed a lot of the business interview podcasts sound the same? We are hearing the same guests answer the same questions time and time again. How do you become unique in this sea of sameness? Storytelling can transform your podcast. People do business with people they know, like and trust. Stories help you develop that knowledge, likability and trust. Your stories define you and will touch many more people than typical information. The stories you tell and the details you include reveal many things about you. That begins to develop that like and trust. It can be a bit scary to reveal things about yourself on your podcast. Develop the ability to recognize your unique thoughts and the courage to reveal them on your show. Two radio coaches have influenced me greatly over the years. They each have similar views on storytelling. Radio consultant Randy Lane says use stories to “make it human by making it humorous, compelling or tragic”. Radio talent coach Bill McMahon