Podcast Talent Coach

The Gender Marketing Difference - PTC Episode 040



THE GENDER MARKETING DIFFERENCE – PTC EPISODE 040   There is a big difference between marketing to men and marketing to women. The book “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” by John Gray, Ph. D. discussed in great detail the communication and relationship differences between men and women. These differences are critical in marketing. They are also important elements to your podcast strategy.   I'll be speaking at the Podcast Movement in Dallas August 16th & 17th. My affiliate link is online at PodcastTalentCoach.com. I will be doing a session on this very topic showing you how to make use of these marketing tactics in your podcast.   Today, we are going to cover five major differences you need to consider when marketing to the different genders. Keep these differences in mind when you are shaping your podcast content.   Please understand that I am speaking in generalities. I understand these statements won't hold true for every person. These points are are simply how most men and women react in common