Podcast Talent Coach

Defeat The Podcast Jitters - PTC Episode 039



Defeat the Podcast Jitters - PTC Episode 039   This week we discuss how to properly prepare for your podcast, and how to overcome the podcast jitters.   I began my broadcasting career when I was 19. It was completely by accident. I was going to college to get my architecture degree. Since I was 12 I had been tailoring my education to be an architect or engineer.   In college, I had the same fear of public speaking as most people. In our design classes, we had to do presentations in front of a panel of judges. I absolutely hated doing these presentations.   During class, four or five students would present during the hour. It would take about a week to get through the entire class. That was the worst part. The anxiety would build for presentation day only to not get your name called. I would have to live through the anxiety again in anticipation of presenting during the next class.   I never envisioned being a public speaker, radio talent or any other presenter.   My younger brother worked for a radio station