Podcast Talent Coach

Protect Your Podcast Voice - PTC Episode 031



Protect Your Podcast Voice Your voice is your power.  It is your tool.  Without your voice, you have no podcast. Throughout the year, it is inevitable that you will get sick.  Maybe it is just a scratchy voice.  Maybe you lose your voice altogether.  When illness hits, what do you do about your show? A few weeks ago, I made a trip to a conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  Five days of shaking hands, conference room sessions, and group dinners along with two flights there and back, made it difficult to avoid the germs.  As much as I did to rest, eat properly and protect myself from getting sick, illness still found me. The sickness had me down for the count.  I had a horrible cough.  My throat was sore and raw.  The frog sound coming from my voice box was not anything I could use to record a podcast.  What was I going to do? Luckily I had prepared.  I had been working two weeks in advance in preparation for the trip.  In case I didn't make it back in time to record the podcast for that week, I wanted to be sur