Podcast Talent Coach

Creating Powerful Relationships with Your Podcast - PTC Episode 022



Creating Powerful Relationships with Your Podcast It has been said may times before.  People do business with people they know, like and trust. To make your podcast successful, you must create meaningful, powerful relationships with your listeners. In this episode, we review five of the many ways to improve and foster your listener relationships. Their Voice Will Always Be More Meaningful One major purpose of your podcast is to foster relationships with your listeners.  Many podcasters use e-mail, texts, tweets and posts to interact with their audience.  The podcast host typically reads these on the air.  Unfortunately, using these methods of communication puts distance between you and your listener.  It is much more compelling to hear the words of another individual in their own voice than it is to hear someone else tell the same story (or ask the same question).  Written word loses the passion when it is read from an e-mail.  The inflection, meaning and emotion is always different when read by anothe