Grace Church

Sexuality | True Identity | Week 4



Big Idea: In Christ you become most fully yourself. Me must make the shift from a societal sexual ethic to a sanctified sexual ethic.  Two Ways our Identity in Christ Shapes our Sexuality 1. We place God’s Authority over the Sovereignty of Self. (4:1-2)  Your identity is established by who God says you are and your self-worth comes from being found in Christ as an adopted son or daughter.   2. We see sexuality as an opportunity for spiritual formation and to avoid cultural deformation (4:3-6) Sexuality according to God finds its perfect fulfillment only in a covenant marriage relationship between one man and one woman or in celibate singleness.    Christian sexuality is based on four pillars.  Sex is pointing to a greater reality Sex points us to a wholistic integration of personhood  Sex is tied to our transformation  Our sexual ethic is a witness to the world.  Next step:  Reflect: if my primary identity is as adopted, redeemed and sealed in Christ, how will I pursue sexual wholeness?  Get more resources fo