On The Brink With Andi Simon

Mark Schaefer: The Customer is Changing. How Can We Build a Community Through Marketing?



"Belonging to the Brand" sets forth Mark Schaefer's thinking about Innovative Marketing and Community Building. Let me introduce you to Mark Schaefer, who needs no introduction. With a career spanning decades, Mark has been a trailblazer, a thought leader, and a guide through the ever-shifting terrain of marketing and branding. From the dawn of social media to the rise of influencer marketing, Mark has not only witnessed these seismic shifts but has also been at the forefront, deciphering trends, and charting courses for success. But what sets Mark apart isn't just his keen insight into what's happening now—it's his uncanny ability to anticipate what's coming next. While others may struggle to keep pace with the rapid evolution of our industry, Mark has a knack for spotting emerging trends and technologies before they hit the mainstream. In this podcast, we will tap into that foresight, exploring what's happening today and what lies on the horizon. Megatrends Shaping the Future of Marketing A core theme we'll