Calvary Chapel Lubbock

Right on the Money - Audio



While continuing in the book of James of our "Faith & Action" series, today Pastor Ben speaks about a subject that most people don't like to talk about..."money." Now, before you quit reading and tune out, hear me out...this is not one of those tired old "send me your money" teachings that you might hear elsewhere. In fact, today's teaching about money is in reference to the way that the Word of God speaks of it...for it to be used as a tool for God's Glory. If you could speak to Jesus in person, what would He suggest that you do with it? Are you using it for His Glory and Honor? How do you use it to bless others?...OR...Are you hoarding it and making it your idol? Are you using it for the sake of profits and to live in luxury? What is your attitude towards money? * Two very important questions that you should keep in mind: 1. How are you using your wealth? 2. How are you acquiring your wealth? *Reference scriptures: Mark 10:23-25: James 4:15; Acts 18 If you are interested in attending our LIV