Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

3012: Food Combining & Olives, Mushroom Coffee & Pregnancy, TSH Differences, Candida & Type 2 Diabetes, Herpes Help (HouseCall)



Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend! I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…   Anonymous: Hi I found organic olives (after years of not eating them bc of shady ingredients) &wondering if these are ok?They're organic green olives & organic Kalamata olives in water, non-iodized sea salt, organic wine vinegar, organic extra virgin olive oil, organic oregano, organic basil. We tend to eat a lot of them in the evening with dinner (or after dinner), is that a bad time to eat a lot of olives?How many would you recommend, considering we do put olive oil or pumpkin seed oil on our plate as well? Is dinner not the right meal to eat olives considering there's fat? &food combining with olives? In one of your handouts they're in the PROTEIN section, so they shouldn't be combined with fats and carbs..? In the other handout they're in the FAT section.. please explain The Olive Mystery, ty   Adriana: H