Economic Update With Richard D. Wolff

Uneven Development a Key Problem of Capitalism



[EU S14 E18] Uneven Development a Key Problem of Capitalism This week in honor of Karl Marx's birthday over this past weekend, Professor Richard Wolff offers a discussion of Marx's important theory of uneven development as central to capitalism. We show its widespread existence, using examples of it from past and present. We conclude by showing how uneven development helps cause key social problems in capitalism. The d@w Team Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a Inc. production. We make it a point to provide the show free of ads and rely on viewer support to continue doing so. You can support our work by joining our Patreon community: Or you can go to our website:   Every donation counts and helps us provide a larger audience with the information they need to better understand the events around the world they can't get anywhere else. We want to thank our devoted community of supporters who help make this