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267: Becoming the Queen of Sexual Wellness with Pamela Madsen



Pamela is a trailblazer in women's wellness known for her transformative approach to self-discovery and intimate connection.  As a Somatic Wellness Educator, Pamela has dedicated over a decade to helping women reclaim their bodies and reignite their desires.  Her retreats and teachings have facilitated incredible transformations, liberating women from shame and trauma, and guiding them on profound journeys to sensual, sexual, and emotional bliss.  Known as the OG of sexual wellness retreats, Pamela is a fearless advocate for women’s health and integrated sexuality who leverages her raw honesty and well-informed wit to help strip the stigma from women’s wellness, female desire and pleasure, body image, and infertility.  She is the author of Shameless: How I Ditched The Diet, Got Naked, Found True Pleasure and Still Got Home In Time To Cook Dinner. And she has appeared on Sex with Emily, Oprah, O Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Buzzfeed, 60 Minutes, CNN, The New York Times, USA Today, and more.  Formerl