Better System Trader

108: What Market Breadth can reveal about current market conditions



Over the last few months you may have noticed an increase in the number of articles being published on the internet using Market Breadth to predict which way the stock markets could go next. In fact, I saw one just recently that said the US stock market is set for a parabolic move. Now, as systematic traders I'm sure most of us are not really interested in predicting those types of things... However Market Breadth measures can provide us with additional insights into the underlying conditions in the market that aren’t so obvious looking at a price chart. So today I want to share with you some Market Breadth knowledge from Greg Morris, who oversaw the management of over 5.5 billion dollars. Take a few minutes now to hear from Greg about Market Breadth and what it can reveal about the underlying conditions in the markets.   Disclaimer: Trading in the financial markets involves a substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. All content produced by Better System Trader is for informational or educat