Albuquerque Business Podcast

Mindset Makeover: How to Talk Yourself into Winning and Stop Self-Sabotage



Hey friends, I've been pondering a quote by Dennis Waitley lately, and it's got me thinking about the language we use as leaders – and how it shapes our reality. Waitley said: "Winners say, 'I must, I can, I will.' Losers say, 'I should have, I could have, I wish I had.'" Now, before you roll your eyes at another motivational quote, hear me out. As someone who's committed to the journey of self-awareness and higher thinking, I believe this quote offers a powerful insight into the connection between our thoughts, our words, and our results. The Inner Dialogue of a Winner Think about the winner's language for a moment: I must: There's a fire in this phrase, a sense of purpose and urgency. It speaks to a deep-rooted belief that the goal is not just desirable, but essential. I can: This is pure confidence, a trust in one's abilities and resilience. It's the voice that says, "Challenges are opportunities for growth, and I'm up for the task." I will: This is the ultimate commitment, a vow to take action and s