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Why Weakness Trumps Strength When Selling #481



Why Weakness Trumps Strength When Selling #481 Have you ever noticed that sometimes selling is like playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, except the prospects are world champions in hiding what they really and truly desire?  Just when you quote them a solution, the rug gets pulled out from under you and you have to restart! What a pain, right? With that said it’s easy to forget the golden rule; he who has the gold, rules. But lest we forget since the buyers are the ones with the money, it matters more to them to get the decision right. Forcing them to make a decision with a showing of strength and command is a misguided closing approach. More often than not, showing weakness vs strength is the ticket to success. Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have, and helping them to make a decision that is good for their business and yours. See I’ve interviewed 100s of sal