Canary Cry News Talk

Decentralizing Intelligence Ops | FlyBy



Key Takeaways: Mainstream vs Alternative vs Independent: Recent controversies in alternative media signal a broader shift towards decentralization and fragmentation across various sectors, highlighted by disputes involving key personalities and companies. Evolution of Public-Private Partnerships: The traditional public-private partnerships are evolving into complex civic partnerships where media and technology blur lines between civilian and intelligence operations. How to Navigate New Media Landscape: Analyze the core-message and economic models. Article advocates for "Value For Value" to maintain ethical integrity and avoid the pitfalls of traditional monetization strategies. What is up with all the drama in Alternative Media recently? I was inspired to start writing this piece a few weeks ago when longtime popular researcher Amazing Polly (@FringeViews) started making public accusations against a well known alternative health company, The Wellness Company (TWC). TWC have partnerships with many con