Where Did The Road Go?

AMA Show - May 4, 2024



Seriah is joined by Chris Ernst and Saxon/Super_Inframan to discuss questions sent in by patreons. Topics include the role of geographical place in paranormal phenomena, a subtle/energetic world as a counterpoint to the physical world, the Myrtle Plantation and Chloe- a ghost of a non-existent person, ley lines and hot spots, ritual as an activator of the paranormal, the Islamic hajj to the Kaaba in Mecca, portals, Seriah’s and a listener’s experiences with deceased loved ones, existence after death, dream encounters, a video game analogy, reincarnation, Meher Baba, Filis Fredrick, immediate experiences after death, the bardo in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Seth material, blue light experiences, the Yogic blue pearl, chakras and kundalini, modern-day new age scammers, Chris’s crystal healing experiences, Jeff Ritzmann’s crystal experiences, the ancient origins of Shamanism, full Indian Yoga tradition vs Americanized commercial yoga, all-time best episodes, Patrick Harper, Jeff Ritzmann, Brothers of the S