Grace Church

The Antidote to Hypocrisy | The Gospel of Mark: No Match for Jesus | Week 21



Big Idea- Monitor the condition of your own heart more than you monitor the behavior of others.   Three-part Journey Toward Avoiding Hypocrisy  Embrace your need to be spiritually clean (:1-5)  Behavior modification won’t bring Christ-exalting change to your life (:6-13)   4 ways behavior modification undermines true spiritual maturity.  Behavior modification confuses man-made rules with God’s laws.  Behavior modification is always connected to a condemning spirit.  Behavior modification doesn’t deal with the source of uncleanness (7:14-16) Behavior modification will leave you exhausted and frustrated.   3. A clean heart is the antidote to hypocrisy and the key to an authentic spiritual life (:14-23)  The primary role of your heart.  Your true struggle with sin is not external but internal.  At the cross, Jesus purchased for you a purified heart.  Discipleship Question: What’s holding me back from looking more like Jesus?   Find more resources at