Folktales For Grownfolks

Wisdom in the Jaws: The Wolf and the Crane



Hey Fam, it's Brother ha2tim, and you're tuning into another powerful episode of "Folktales for Grown Folks." Today, we're diving into the classic fable "The Wolf and the Crane." This story isn't just about animals—it's about us, our nature, and the choices we make. Ever been in a situation where you helped someone out, only to get nothing but trouble in return? Yeah, this tale breaks it down.In this episode, we'll explore the deeper meanings behind the wolf and the crane, and why sometimes it's best to let the wicked deal with their own mess. As always, I'm here to spark some thought and get a discussion going. Don't miss out on this wisdom—hit me up with your thoughts!Stay plugged into the journey and never miss an update by joining the GNJMedia email list. Visit GNJMedia to sign up. Peace, power, and joy!Be careful when dealing with the wicked. If you happen to see the metaphoric wolf choking on a bone, "Let Him Die!"