Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1208 - Town Council Capital Budget Subcmte Mtg - 05/22/24



This session of the radio show is the audio recording of the Franklin, MA Capital Budget Subcommittee meeting conducted on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. All four members of the subcommittee were present: Chair Debbie Pellegri, Vice Chair Bob Dellorco, Ted Cormier-leger, and Brian Chandler. Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and Deputy Administrator Amy Frigulietti.This short meeting was not set up for remote participation nor for Franklin TV broadcast. I did get there to make the audio recording available.2 items on the agenda: one the approval for use of free cash for the operating budget. Not a usual occurrence but requires approval. The formal vote will also be part of the Town Council meeting Thursday as they close the budget hearing.The second item was the creation of a stabilization account to set aside funds for the potential purchase of a building that wouldn’t be covered by the funds available from the Community Preservation Act. There was a brief discussion on this and then the vote to create and alloc