
How to show your colleagues when you plan to work from home



When your colleagues work remotely irregularly, how could you possibly find a time when all of you can meet physically at the office? In the 600th (!) episode of Done!, you will learn two ways to indicate where you and your colleagues plan to work in the future. I assume, however, that there are more clever solutions to this problem, so email me and tell me about the ones you have found or come up with. I am always just as happy to get tips from my readers. Do this to balance in what order you do small and large tasks. These episodes are also available as a weekly newsletter to your email. If you rather read than listen (or both!), sign up for a free subscription. David Stiernholm is a ”struktör”. As such he helps people and companies become more efficient and productive by creating better structure. His motto is: everything can be done easier! David is frequently hired as a speaker by all kinds of businesses ranging from well-established major corporations to entrepreneurial companies in hyper growth. He