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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 13 | Spiritual Diet



In the thirteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses the importance of a balanced spiritual diet that helps believers transition from spiritual infancy to maturity. This diet contains crucial components that help believers evolve from mere converts to disciplined disciples of Christ.The four spiritual food groups based on Acts 2:42, which the early church followed steadfastly to grow spiritually. These groups are the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. The early believers strengthened their faith and deepened their communal bonds by engaging in these practices.The first food group, the apostles' doctrine, pertains to the apostles' teachings, focusing on the New Testament. It explains the significance of Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament's types and shadows. Understanding the apostles' doctrine is crucial for believers to correctly interpret biblical principles and avoid confusion that might arise from misinterpreting the Old Testament.Fellowship, the sec