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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 9 | Transformation



In episode nine of his series, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane focuses on the journey that Christians undertake from spiritual infancy to maturity. This journey is transformative and involves much more than gaining knowledge or performing religious duties. Christians are called to become true image bearers of Christ, reflecting His love and grace in every aspect of life.The shift from being a "convert" to becoming a "disciple" is marked by a deepening relationship with God and a commitment to live out Christian values. This involves growing from immaturity to maturity. Entering the Kingdom of God is only the beginning; the real challenge and goal is to grow within the kingdom. This means embracing and embodying the attributes of Christ.The discussion revolves around the concepts of spiritual "milk" and "meat." These terms differentiate between elementary and more complex doctrines of Christianity. Milk represents basic teachings necessary for new believers to understand their faith, while meat involves de