Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

Not America anymore! Ladies on man trouble. Bill Lockwood on ICC | JLP Tue 5-28-24



JLP Hr 1  It's not America anymore! "Equity…" Dems, Republicans not closing the borders. Debbie Stabenow for Border Act letting 5K into US a day.  //  CALL: Amanda in Houston, TX (1st-timer) husband uses pot for pain.  //  Super Chats: Reject Jesus? Blaspheming the Spirit? Marrying? Mandatory service? Interracial dating…  //  CALL: Richard in FL (1st-timer) on Abrahamic religions.  //  CALL: Jacinda in VA (1st-timer) bought SCAM, federal worker, dated a guy 25 years…  //   JLP Hr 2  BACK TO CALL: Jacinda in VA, black 60yo lady let an ex-boyfriend back in! You get what you deserve. You're evil. How are you a good person when you have not forgiven?  //  What are you doing wrong? Nothing? "Covenant": God gave you a messed-up marriage?  //   JLP Hr 3  GUEST: Bill Lockwood: UN ICC (International Criminal Court) usurping national sovereignty, charging Hamas and Bibi with war crimes. (0:00:00) HOUR 1… Country & Western Tuesday
(0:05:43) US is not the same! "Equity." Borders.
(0:13:51) Debbie Stabenow for Border Ac