Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Balancing in person and online services (So neither one is neglected) & Q&A No.147



Whether you're moving from face to face coaching to online, adding it as a scalable option, or adding in face to face to your online service. How much to put into something and not let go of the current business? It's all about having clear objective from the business in my opinion, and we break it down here in this episode. Any tips for overcoming perfectionism and getting shit done? Could you break down a weekly content plan overview for me. I need to get back to having more structure with this as I am a random poster unless I have a lead magnet or launch to focus on. I post 7 days per week, what would you do MON / TUE / WED /THU / FRI /SAT /SUN ? how would you theme/ structure a week of posting ? Biggest regrets in your own PT Business, before starting the mentorship? Serious case of imposter syndrome at the moment and comparing myself to others on social - everyone seems to be smashing it. Shall I unfollow everyone in the PT and coaching space to help me? I probably need to watch