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Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 14 | Apostle's Doctrine



In the fourteenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes practical steps for personal development and helping others grow spiritually. He draws heavily on the early church practices outlined in Acts 2:42, where the community of believers engaged in four fundamental activities that fostered their spiritual development.Four "spiritual food groups" are essential for personal spiritual growth and the health and growth of the church community. These practices include the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers—each contributing uniquely to the believer's spiritual journey.1. Apostles' Doctrine: This refers to the apostles' teachings, which are crucial for understanding and applying New Testament truths. Duane stresses the importance of grounding in the apostles' doctrine to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of the Scriptures, notably how the New Testament clarifies and fulfills the Old Testament.2. Fellowship: The value of fellowship sharpens believers and keeps them g