Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers

Bethany Turner: Finding A Literary Agent as a Seasoned Author



Bethany Turner is a seasoned author who works with a major publishing house, but she’s made the decision to look for an agent now — and not finding the process all that easy. On this episode of the Rocky Mountain Writer podcast, she explains her decision and also talks about her brand new book, just out this week, Cole and Laila Are Just Friends - A Love Story. Bethany has been writing since the second grade, when she won her first writing award for explaining why, if she could have lunch with any person throughout history, she would choose John Stamos. She stands by this decision. Bethany writes pop culture–infused rom-coms for a new generation of readers who crave fiction that tackles the thorny issues of life with humor and insight. She lives in Southwest Colorado with her husband, whom she met in the nineties in a chat room called Disco Inferno. As sketchy as it sounds, it worked out pretty well in this case, and they are now the proud parents of two grown sons. Connect with her across social media @seebe